My all time favorite back exercise by far is the pull up because you need nothing but your body weight and hits all the muscles on your back, there are different type of pulls up that you can add on to your exercise to challenge you and even get a new set of back muscle working if you get your form right. first girl on the left, Wany.the chin up! Notice that her palms are facing towards her during the pull. the underhand grip uses the biceps more. The latissimus dorsi muscle (lats) that forms a V shape of your back, especially the lower part gets more engagement in this variation,do not be fooled this movement may be the easier from all the other variation but focusing on pulling with the back rather that rounder the shoulder forward requires some practice. The Wide grip pull ups or the regular pull up engages the entire lats, if you want a bigger lats this my friend is the exercise that you should be doing, the wider the grip the more engagement of of the lats as compared to a closer grip. For women do not fear a bigger lats, it does make your waistline look smaller. The parallel pull up uses more biceps and arm because the arm are so close to each other, you are isolating the muscle, this neutral grip may seem easier for someone who have done a ton of bicep curl, i kid you not, it takes a while to be able to engage the back, therefore starting with the arm is easier. sorry to burst your bubble , still do not have the capacity to perform this, therefore stole this photo from a crossfit website, the muscle up or the bar muscle up are by far the most difficult of them all, not only that you got to have your upper body over the bar, you need to straighten your arms at the end of the position , i can't explain how to do this since I've yet to mastering this, i don't believe in telling you in what i do not know, but go to Crossfit Singapore Website and email coach Kevin on how he can help you or join a Box(Crossfit Gym)
You can get fancy and perform the towel pull up, single hand pull up, clapping pull up,weighted pull up,yes they all exist, but firstly get your pull ups before adding all this variations, unless you have walked before crawling, being one of the most functional exercise, the pull ups don't get much credit, if you have missed on my recent post on how to get a pull up click here for your progression drills. Its been awhile and i do wish i could blog more, do drop me comment on what you fancy on reading, ill try my best to post stuff up as soon as i can which is after work-house work and walking Simba my fur ball till there keep pulling up and share with me your progress on Instagram, just tag me and i am more than happy to check on your form!
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April 2021