There are better things to be than rich! Having great company on a Sunday night is one of them. Our lives would be more fulfilled if we began chasing after what truly makes us happy. “Some people are so poor, all they have is money.”― (Patrick Meagre) pretty much is my favourite quote also because maybe now I'm broke but i have no debts neither do i have liabilities to worry about. I have no milestones of having a Chanel bag, BMW, Rolex watch or a Cartier bracelet. To me milestones should never be fancy item, i would trade them with life experiences and travel adventures. This is so random omg but it was in my mind and i had to share! Charlotte and I made Salmon Wellington and mash, i think I'm getting so good with mash! The amount of potatoes i ate this week probably could feed a family for a year. Cooking is so simple if you set your mind to it instead of eating out. *Trying to get a photo with Sam is nerves wrecking and jesus check out my back! *I did not know its that muscular, no it's not disgusting, its the outcome of all my pull ups and rows in the gym! *Visited my mom and niece during her track day,Diane(niece) happens to be one of the best in Singapore in the athletics scene at the age of 15! I can't believe the last i sprinted on a track. *Went to a SINGAPORE CROSSFIT 7 YEARS ANNIVERSARY (POOL PARTY) but hey guess what? No one brought their bikini but me! Terrible, i felt so cheated but was to drunk to care. Went to watch Sam work on a SUNDAY for SCC rugby team ! No idea whats going on but i think my boyfriend is mighty fine xx. Sam bought us new sheets, covers,duvet and all the jazz . As you get older i guess you wants all your friend to try your new bed for the sake of it, I'm not sure if we will ever grow up, i don't think i want too! Party with this fine any day of the week! xx
With the time difference in Bintan, you get to enjoy an extra hour for activities on this former pirate refuge. We were warmly welcomed the moment we arrived from the club's G.O. (Gentils Organisateurs). The first view that you see is this amazing viewpoint of the entire resort. This coastal resort gave us great weather for the two days we were there. All the activities so little time !
Eating out our last night at the resort with the best seat in the house at their outdoor dining restaurant. Lydia the club manager ensured that i did everything at the resort. I watched her prancing around the resort making sure all her guests were satisfied. She was always on her toes! All of the staff were super friendly and helpful with, they made our stay memorable. They welcomed us and bid us farewell with a song.Small things make a big difference in employee engagement and you will always receive it in every Clubmed Resort world wide!
As I down my salad( made up of avocados, pumpkin ,corn ,Chicken and every other vegetable that is good for me ) while sam gets to enjoy the Bagel i bought with Bacon! I wondered how much food do we really need ? When do I stop eating the 'one last chip ' or paying visit to the fridge to take another spoonful of Nutella? Did you know, that your stomach is approximately the size of your fist ? I'm still amaze how much food I can put in it before my belly expire and my even my gym tights cry in vain. At the moment my food Look something like this! 9am-coffee with milk 12 -sweet potato /fish / vegetable 3-left over from my 12 o clock meal 6-to much nuts and a other coffee if I'm dying 8-avacado ,fish ,corn ,any vegetable 9pm-tea and milk /potato chips or tapioca chip /chocolate or both if my conscious is not clear ! So how much food should you eat? How much food you should eat depends on many factors, which includes your age, height, sex, health status, daily calories output, activities engages, genetic makeup, body composition etc etc.. It also relates to your daily calorie intake requirement. If you consume more each day than you use up and you will usually put on weight, consume less and the opposite will happen well this is a general outlook of calories balance, common sense right? Below are some general daily calorie requirements for males and females. Low active level includes from 30-60 minutes of daily moderate activity, such as walking at 5-7 km/h (3-4 mph). Active level includes at least 60 minutes of daily moderate activity. ( taken from According to the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the average person's minimum calorie requirement per day globally is approximately 1,800 kilocalories (7,500 kJ) Now lets look at the estimate breakdown of calories consume, i'm not great with my geography, therefore knowing the continents helps. Higher up on the map closer to the Arctic Ocean people consume more calories due to the weather. It is also safe to say that the third world countries consume less as compared to their other counterparts. With this it makes sense in regards to the obesity rate found in different Countries. Interesting isn't it ? Well enough of sounding smart for the day, time to have some tea and rice crackers now. xx Some say life begins at 40, but for me life begin when i ended my toxic relationship with someone after half a decade. Looking back I was just scared to moved on and be all by myself again, I always thought i needed someone to fill the void and love that my parent(single parent) did not provide and never seem to fit in my family.Situation got worst and i told myself its time to call it quits and move on,which also means moving out and managing my life all by myself, It took me about a year to get over it and spending more time with myself and realising that my friends was always there for me.
Then i met Sam , i didn't expect anything and genuinely though he just wanted to play tennis and bake me banana muffin that still happens to be in his do to list. haha. I never needed a man in my life but definitely wanted Sam to be part of it and up till today he never fails to shower me with his love and affection consistently. I Never had so many amazing friends and coke light, getting drunk , pissing myself over food, doing silly things, trying out new stuff and just being me. So what if i'm a personal trainer, my life don't need to be revolve around broccoli and protein shake. I found the balance and never been happier. I never cry missing a workout or even if my thighs rubs against each other. I, Jasmine am genuinely happy at the age of 27! Never to late to find Love, Happiness and Courage to make the change. |
April 2021