The W Hotel spoiled me silly on a #RetoxDetoxRepeat media invite. Wasn't expecting to have alcohol in every meal but i actually did. I had more champagne than my required 6 litres of water for my body everyday but I am not complaining. Sam took the liberty to crash in my room as i sailed away with the rest of the girls to the nearby Island and watch the sunset on a lovely evening. I couldn't get enough of every dessert put together so obviously i had more than one, I was horrible , i knew i had to stay away from gluten but i ate everything anyways. Did i mention buffet ? Seafood from the Heart by Peter Kuruvita was exceptional. If you would let me eat one source of protein for the rest of my life i would go with seafood. Peter talked about how some seafood are more sustainable than the others and its good to know that most of the dishes we had that night came from a sustainable source,therefore our future generation could enjoy them in time to come. Can't keep eating now can we! Woke up at 8am for Strala yoga by the pool. Followed by a quickie massage that i wished wasn't so quick! Guess where we had breakfast? The Extreme WOW Suite speaks for itself, it's interior is definitely extreme and If i was rich enough say 13k per night rich i would be sleeping in this giant sink bathub.. but for now I can only dream. This Coconut Mango desserts are to die for! Truth is i ate 7 of this babies. Unwinding with a couple of coctail at the WOOBAR the night before for TGIF. Unbelievable experience! W hotel you got me sold.Don't forget to #DETOXREPEATREPEAT
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Believe me when I discovered I had celiac, I could have cried as i mourn the loss or not having gluten in my life. Pizza, cupcakes, tarts, pies , puddings and bread everything I love is pretty much made up of gluten .I felt sorry for myself, even received an obituary card that my life has officially ended. I had such a bad relationship with food that i was lying to myself and stuffing my face with cereals or a cake in hiding and always told myself no more gluten tomorrow onwards. Ya right, like that's going to happen.
Obviously this had to end since i'm just destroying my intestine and also my rashes was getting out of hand. A week before that i was misdiagnose for my rashes to be herpes simplex but I didn't believe it and got more test done. In fact i was having dermatitis herpetiformis. They do look familiar below but of cause the issue i was having with my skin is : Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) is a rare but persistent immunobullous disease that has been linked to coeliac disease (American spelling celiac), a gluten-sensitive enteropathy. I know it's so disgusting i hope you had dinner! So where was I ? Oh yes eating gluten is pretty much killing me and guess that i do need to alter my lifestyle just a little bit more. Don't worry i don't have any more rashes after two week of giving up gluten and probably even lost some weight from all the cookies i can't eat! Bless them . When I am out and have to make choice on my food I pick anything without gluten or would tell the staff to skip the bread, is it okay? Honestly not because I risk being contaminated from other food that contains gluten but I guess thats the choice i have to make and i definitely prefer cooking at home. Sam on the other hand love bread and i guess I would trade bread for chocolate for now until I learn how to bake gluten free bread that don't taste like cardboard. Any Celiac out there? How did you discover this amazing disease that is way more horrible than chicken pox? Quinoa is in fact not technically a cereal grain at all, but is instead what we call a "pseudo-cereal". Botanically quinoa is related to beets chard and spinach, and in fact the leaves can be eaten as well as the grains. in the restaurant world, the National Restaurant Association named quinoa as the hottest trend in side dishes in its 2010 " WHAT'S HOT" survey of chefs.( Whole Grain Council ) DID YOU KNOW? One-Forth cup of dry quinoa contains *160 calories *2.5 grams of fats *0 grams of sodium and cholesterol *27 grams of carbohydrates (3 gram of fibre. 0 gram of sugar) *6 gram of protein ALSO ITS GLUTEN FREE!!!!! since i'm celiac my options of carbs are limited. As i was making a tomato base chicken casserole , i realised i had some quinoa in my cupboard and the Lovely People from Kiehl delivered me a gift to even out my skin. So my dinner is pretty much inspired by them, Sam bought me a massive casserole that i literally throw everything in it and chuck it in the oven and its been a life saver when I'm so lazy to do the frying , washing and all the jazz. With the extract of 2000 quinoa husks in each bottle, the formula is clinically demonstrated to increase surface skin cell turnover without irritation Kiehl's scientists discovered quinoa's powerful skin exfoliating properties after they happened to see discarded husks bubbling with activity. Excited to give this a try and would let you know how amazing is this product, I've been using their product for 7 years and i wouldn't be surprise that it would be just as amazing as the rest. How pretty is their packaging that I would recycle it as a money box!
Your shoulder is one of the busiest intersections in your body: three bones form one main joint cushioned by cartilage and held in place with cords of muscles, ligaments, and tendons. When everything works as one, you have the mobility and stability to lift, throw, flex, and reach. Injure one of these separate parts, however, and you can be sidelined with searing pain, not to mention a severely compromised range of motion, says Guillem Gonzalez-Lomas, M.D., sports medicine physician at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City. Being a fitness trainer, the results for my clients are basically over my shoulder, literally. Lifting weights, stretching my clients, carrying a heavy bag for house visit, my neck is in a complete mess. I visit a masseur when time permits, but most require advance booking and travelling takes time for a busy folk like me. Most of the activities I participate in actively use my shoulder and I don’t think I could tolerate the toll of a 9-5-office job without suffering from neck and shoulder pain. Many studies of Persistent of Neck/Shoulder Pain among Computer Office Workers with Specific Attention to Pain Expectation, Somatization Tendency, and Beliefs have been done. ( linked here) Part of the studies says that “However, based on the results derived from the follow-up, disability due to neck/shoulder pains was found to be higher among the females than the males. Disability in getting dressed was 57.7% among the females, in comparison with 28.6% found among the males. Furthermore, disability in performing the chores was 92.2% and 42.9% in the female and male participants. Referring to physician was 19 (57.6%) and the number of males who were visited by physicians was higher than the females (57.1% vs. 44.4%). Sickness absence due to neck/shoulder pains was just reported among the female participants at follow-up (25%).” This is when we need to rely on a quick relieve. A good substitute when people do not have time for a massage session is to use one of this disposable patches which could help alleviating the pain without growing dependent on it.
The AMMELTZ YOKOYOKO Air-Activated Body Warmer – Neck & Shoulder has no side effect whatsoever and if you feel uncomfortable you can remove it and dispose the patch with ease. ![]() This patch comes in all shape and sizes to help with different pains. I remember when I was little my grandma would always have a bottle of YOKOYOKO in her bag for a quick relieve. I can’t wait to let her try this new heat patch from them! For more information on the different types of products available, do visit their website: Watch the TVC here: |
April 2021