Many times we all forget to sit up straight, me included! We forget to realign our spine and to keep our shoulders pressed down away from our ears, to be honest this can be due to stress or just bad habits and yes people there are detrimental outcome to prolong bad posture, I've paid my dues with constant neck pain and tight chest that weighs me down, so today i want you all to find a mirror, and take a look at your shoulder how is it sitting down nicely. Notice if one is higher than the other, take note of if your shoulders are rounding forward, look at your head alignment and lastly see if your arms are swinging too far forwards from your body. Recognise and understand your body and deal with it, it took me years to understand my body and it also helps that I'm a personal trainer therefore the human anatomy isn't alien to me, but for you folk out there these tiny details that you notice can be fix! So if you want a better posture and stronger back here are some home exercises you can do, i can't help every one of you as much as i want too but i hope you get to learn something about your posture, or basically google (UPPER CROSS SYNDROME) read about it or stop using your phone so much and being a desk warrior with nagging pain, you can stop your own pain and not only look better but feel better overall!. below are some exercises, i have no idea what they are called but i usually make up my own names and u can do it at home, no excuses everyone. For exercise number 1-4 perform 4 sets 10-15 repetition or more, for progressive exercises just do it on your knees. for exercise number 5, hold for 30 second each side or longer ensuring that middle back muscle is always engage, pretend there's a lemon right in the middle of your shoulder blades that you want to squeeze! After which perform stretches number 1-4, holding it for 20 second-1minute for 2 sets, stretch until the point of discomfort but not sharp pain ! perform this exercises 3 x a week if you do not workout and trust me you will get a stronger back in no time! 1)push ups hold focusing on squeezing your back on the way down, keeping elbow close.2)thumbs up superman! for a letter t and pull yourself up and squeezing your shoulder blades.3)basic superman4)plank back squeeze5)side plank holds1)lats stretch2) power lats stretch3)chest stretch4)power arm stretchDon't worry ladies! your back won't look as muscular as mine! I've done pull ups for year and working on my back for ages but honestly i love my back! now its time to look after yours.
Kettlebell helps strengthen the glutes and upper hamstrings, as well as the core muscles in the abs and lower back, no kettlebell no problem, fill your bag with whatever you can find around your house and use the handle to swing, for basic swinger, swing only until shoulder level, keep your mid section tight and make sure to squeeze your butt at the top of the swing, if you feel any pain in the lower back, drop the weight and get your form right!
warm up : 30 air squats 5 rounds of 20 kettlebell swing 10 kettlebell squat 20 kettlebell swing 10 kettlebell lunges 20 kettlebell swing 10 kb russian twist 20 kettbell swing photo credit: derrick say and kin lee say This is baby Kayla, she happens to be my best friend gorgeous kiddo which unfortunately i have not met but Samantha have been making captivating food, that Jamie Oliver might go out of business sooner or later if she use her kid as a marketing add !
Her food which obviously taste better than my brown bowl of concoction of brown rice and chicken breast... which i love! I love how every colour is so bright and Kayla is just laying there peacefully! Samantha have always been weird thats why we get along she would dress in boxers and heels and a top and i made her eat ban mian for year and we use to hate each other because she was so loud and gave me headaches . I brought her to the gym once and only once because she sat on the treadmill and started watching some chinese serial drama. Now i want a baby too! for now Simba is my second subject for my food photography! i can't wait to see Kayla and Sam and can't help but share all these lovely photos that she took! do follow her instagram if you are not! This is how usually my Saturday begins, rushing to the park to conduct a bootcamp. Every since I moved out and had bought Simba my life have been a a uphill run, somedays I'm on my foot from 6am till 1am just working, cleaning house, cooking,cleaning again and walking Simba when i have a tad of energy left else ill bring him down to play fetch to make sure my boy get his exercise after which i prepare for tomorrow, but I'm not complaining.
Today at the car wash i watched men slogged away under the sun, their skin so dried up and tanned, they were bones basically,they had music plugged in probably to distract them from the rudimentary task, i wondered how much they earned such laborious work and if there was better way to do this without them getting skin cancer in time to come, i m sure sunblock was out of the question for these men. I know its a job and somebody has to do it but watching these men i couldn't help but appreciate life a little more. So if you think what your doing is hard or your life is tough and exercise is tiring and picking up skill is not needed i want you to think again and look around you for what life has bestowed upon you and appreciate it yet stay rooted and spread your branches, share your love and kindness in every way possible, throw in smile and even some thank - you. Politness is a skill. It must be practiced, we are offered each day to be gracious, take the opportunity people. Taken with the Canon Legria mini x which comes with a fisheyes lens and no photos were edited, Sometimes travelling with a friend can make or break a long friendship,on trips i am usually the laziest,i walk the slowest,i take my time in everything i do and sometimes all i want to do is eat the entire street or lay on the bed watching foreign movie that i don't quite comprehend, this is all the boyfriend's fault, he and i could just go to another country and laze in bed and order room service, terrible much. I dislike the idea of rushing, if i did i wouldn't be on a holiday, but of course its good to have a flexible itinerary that you can fall upon to ensure you do make the trip memorable. 5 things i love about traveling with my bestfriend Wany! 1)Photo taking isn't as exhausting trust me you don't even have to ask for her to take a photo of you! we girls just enjoy taking photos or being in the photos. I usually travel with my boyfriend and he doesn't seem to get the way I want my photo to be taken and I made him take it over and over again to a point he was pissed with me but I wanted the Eiffel tower and my ice cream and my pistol squat in a frame, go figure. 2)Getting help from stranger , I mean imagine 2 girls with a map ,clueless,who wouldn't go the distance to help ?but to be careful though always ask people who are working within the vicinity like security guards or shop owners preferably female! 3)Sharing food is easier since you are so close to this person I'm sure you eat pretty similar, so more variety to try since you get to share. More Money for shopping. 4)Motivating one another to explore the area and getting lost can be an adventure especially in a foreign land and who knows you might find a gem, Wany(my last travel partner) love quirky coffee joints, owls prints and she takes amazing photos, check out her FLICKR. 5) Remembering why you are friends in the first place because no matter what happens, be it having fun,trying to ask for discount for everything even duty free items and running after a plane before the door closes you are still cursing and giggling away because you can't run for nuts anymore since my butt have grown into a Beyonce(click on it).
Have a goodnight folks. (photo credit- Wany's old school camera) ![]() It seems like forever but I've only met Limaran since last year october or was it november its been less than 6 month but so many things have happened! So besides breakdancing, hanging out at starbucks and checking out cups and eyebrows as the photos says a lot about what we do when we meet! we are growing not side ways fortunately! Yes its time to say goodbye to HAPAFITNESS but it does stop there watch out for our new website in the next 6 month for more action from the both of us! With that we would like to reward you with our 10 days HIT( high intensity training) program! follow us on instagram to use the hashtag #hit10sg if you are going to join us in this workout! Only for 10 days! we will be posting videos and photos in our respective blogs (Limaran) Feel free to drop us a comment on our instagram! but we do hope to get as many people doing this workout with us! Its okay if you do not want to start day 1 on the 5/5/2014 which is a Monday! just follow the exercises in order which ever day you choose to start! its just 10 days folks. Male and female could participate in this exercise! can't wait!! CLICK ON OUR INSTAGRAM LINK AS FOLLOWS JASMINE & LIMARAN So we had the opportunity to go on air with POWER 98 and had the chance to see whats goes on behind the scene of a radio station! Believe it or not its located in CMPB building therefore the security level of the place was high. We were put behind a mic, honestly it was nerve wrecking and if you were to read of a paper it would sound unnatural therefore we were advice not to. We also got to meet JK once again who never fails to make us giggle with his witty comments. So here are some photos of the mini interview we had. This is unlike your typical beauty pageant, i actually learn so much and have to make more effort in researching and learning so much more in technology which have open my mind to appreciate a little more. i could never do this without Limaran of course! She have taught me a lot and constantly on a look out for me if i do need help, check out her website for all her beautiful photos. Do tune over the next 3 sundays! the 11th,18th and 25 may between 5-9pm to listen to us over and over again who we are and our experience on #STUFFCOVERGIRL have been so far!
also check out STUFF WEBSITE for all your latest gadgets updates. |
April 2021