I wouldn’t survive Jakarta if it wasn’t for Crossfit Bengkel, bias-ly hands down best box in Jakarta. First game of netball, I honestly still get nervous playing up to this very day especially with a new team! Last team didn’t work out for me so made the decision to move and loving it so far. ![]() ![]() ![]() i am definitely not vegan yet but 90% of my food consumption happens to be plant base. ![]() Spend my weekend on the field playing with my new camera with Dy.
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I recalled being able to blog weekly, this was all before the existence of instagram and social media. I love being able to share my life with people, the good and also the bad but obviously not all. I’m pretty much an open book and what you see is basically what I am. I have my lows that only the people close to me get to see but I sleep on it and totally forget it the next day. I forgive easily and my mind is like clockworks its always thinking but never really capable of carrying forward an idea long term. I lose focus quite easily which I’m trying to sort myself out currently.
Almost missed my flight today, 5 days in Jakarta is enough. I’m not bored I just find the fact that traffic makes my day unproductive, not being able to be outdoor that much makes me lethargic. This week was not to bad I got to do what I wanted but obviously if I had patience I could have done more but sitting in traffic with the car jerking every minute is not the best way to read a book without cursing. I can’t wait to get home to snuggle with Sam, I use to think I can’t live without someone and could never be on my own in another country with without my other half, even if its 2 days apart. I guess I grew up and loved myself more to spend time with myself. All this obviously did not happen overnight, failed relationships, getting hurt and being emotionally abuse, cheated and also cheating on my past relationships made the person I am today. Yes I admit it I’m no petals and bubbles but I choose me and I choose to accept my flaw and love it all, but obviously I wouldn’t be cheating anymore because I’ve learn to respect myself and my other half. Have I had issues with my body ? obviously! Else I wouldn’t be where I am today. I have a bulletproof solution to your problem if u do have any issue in life, be it body image, love life, you are bored, what ever issues you can think off! If you don’t like it change it! No one’s going to help you but yourself obviously. In the past 7 years here are some of my changes I made! Did not like staying at home ! so I moved out, and don’t tell me you can’t afford it! If you can’t stand it so much you would have 3 odd job paying for your rented apartment shared by 10 people! Make it work! Did not see the world because my parent could not afford it! I travelled more! I work and travel work and travel and made sure I consistently keep travelling 3-5 countries every year! Did not think I was giving my dog a good life! I was at work all the time and yes I bought him and I was being unfair so I gave him up, you can call me irresponsible but giving him up means he had a chance to have a better life as a dog! Picked up the courage to walk out my 5 years long relationship because I was done being cheated on, not once or twice but way to many times. I only stayed because I was comfortable and stupid. Learning to say no ! Learning to say yes! Make it happen, I stopped talking instead I started doing. Well this are just some example what I am trying to say is. If you don’t like it CHANGE. January went by like the wind, all I could smell was the rain. Boy did it rain a lot or what! Remember the day that it rained for 5 days non stop? My grandma turned 90 was really nice as I got to see my entire family, which doesn’t happen that often anymore because I guess people grow up and people get busy right? I don’t think I would make it pass 70 before someone push me down the building for talking to much. ![]() Started a sprint team with some folks and I’m working my 50 shade of tan every Sunday not sure if I enjoy it or the fact that it feel like I have someone to compete with. I've also been watching a lot of rugby games and understanding the sport a little bit more, its actually quite interesting after 5 bottles of ciders and packets of crisp. Now that I have my camera I get to practice action shots with it! :) Oh yes I've been playing with a lot of babies, definitely not mine. When I was 18 I wanted a football field, now that I’m 28 I don’t think I want anything to come out from me, also stop asking me when I’m going to have kids, maybe in 5-8 years time. On a side note I’ve killed a cactus. I've been playing a lot of netball and my newly form team won our very first tournament a couple of days back. I never thought I enjoy playing defense but the moreI do I actually enjoy it. Its a lot more focus and I’m not going to lie cycling on the roads in Singapore have made me more focus in netball! Don’t ask me how… So been hanging out with my mom eating more ice cream than I should and also lost so much weight, it was unintentional, it just happened. Will talk more about it soon! Best news is that Sam is now Head Physio for Singapore Rugby, Yes this kid right here! I watched him grow and always believed that he was special and deserved whatever he have achieve thus far. Proud girlfriend over here!! I don't think I've watch a more over enthusiastic Physio in any rugby games.
OVER AND OUT! Besides getting a forearm workout from all the chopping and dicing this recipe is a no brainer for those who cant cook. We can’t be just eating instant noodles all our lives can we? Cooking is a skill you develop from burning your eggs to soggy pasta and setting the temperature on Fahrenheit setting instead of Celcius. ( yes it happens ) It’s a never ending learning process and cooking for oneself is definitely fulfilling to me, as you can tell I’m a feeder. :) Its weird I never really enchanced my food with curry flavor, but I had a taste of what my boss’s made for herself which was a simple egg and mayonnaise sandwich that’s was yellow and I asked her what’s wrong with her eggs and she said she added curry to it! GENIUS. ![]() Follow the instruction with the quinoa and then add the mushroom and brocolli. ![]() ADD EVERYTHING ELSE! curry powder, stock, some pepper and stir!! THROW IN A LOT OF SPRING ONION JUST BECAUSE.
April 2021