Recognise and understand your body and deal with it, it took me years to understand my body and it also helps that I'm a personal trainer therefore the human anatomy isn't alien to me, but for you folk out there these tiny details that you notice can be fix!
So if you want a better posture and stronger back here are some home exercises you can do, i can't help every one of you as much as i want too but i hope you get to learn something about your posture, or basically google (UPPER CROSS SYNDROME) read about it or stop using your phone so much and being a desk warrior with nagging pain, you can stop your own pain and not only look better but feel better overall!.
below are some exercises, i have no idea what they are called but i usually make up my own names and u can do it at home, no excuses everyone.
For exercise number 1-4 perform 4 sets 10-15 repetition or more, for progressive exercises just do it on your knees. for exercise number 5, hold for 30 second each side or longer ensuring that middle back muscle is always engage, pretend there's a lemon right in the middle of your shoulder blades that you want to squeeze!
After which perform stretches number 1-4, holding it for 20 second-1minute for 2 sets, stretch until the point of discomfort but not sharp pain !
perform this exercises 3 x a week if you do not workout and trust me you will get a stronger back in no time!