So try drinking 2-3 litres everyday, i get thirsty easily because of my job, air con and plainly just talking to much makes me thirsty, i never really enjoyed any other drink beside water, and juices, i can't stand of anything carbonated it makes me feel bloated and theres no way its good for you, call me boring but hey my body is my temple and beside red bean pancakes and good old chocolate i don't quite like having excess junk in my trunk, its a lot of discipline and sometimes i lose the battle with a donut but its really okay, always remember 80/20 rules.
Focus on 80% whole food and 20% whatever you want , but also remaining active on a daily basic.
So here are some ideas on how to make water taste more palletable.
It can't get any easier than this and theres just so many benefit of keeping yourself hydrated with water.